Sunday, January 30, 2011

Does human life have value?

"So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God: He created them male and female". Genesis 1:27

With this verse in mind, what is your thoughts on human life? Are we REALLY intelligently created by an intelliegent, omni-present God or are we just a bunch of cells and organs randomly put together by mindless processes with no initial purpose in life? Hmmm, interesting though. Let's dive deeper into this.

Let's bring some law and biology into this. We all know that apparently, every seven years, your body is completely new through many biological processes. So, let's say you commit a murder and was never convicted until SEVEN years later. The judge and court rules YOU commited the crime so YOU do the time. But wait, aren't you a whole new person sever years after so aren't you innocent now because of this new body. You are probably saying wait a second Andrew Dutton, watchu talkin bout fool? Well, let me break it down.

God created human beings in His image. In Genesis 1:26, He gave us dominion over all, repeat, ALL living creatures. Because we are created in the image of God, we have some laws that are attached. In Genesis 9:6, it says "Whoever sheds man's blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in His image." So, looks like you aren't off the hook Mr. Murderer. I have more to add.

The apostle Peter said in Acts 10:34 "In truth (notice the word truth), I understand that God doesn't show favoritism." It also says in Proverbs 22:2 "The rich and the poor have this in common: the Lord made them both. With that said, we all have equal value to God. No one is better than anyone else. A famous German atheist philosopher named Friedrich Nietzche said: "Equality is a lie concocted by inferior people who arrange themselves in herds to overpower those who are naturally superior to them". Also realize this man lived the last 11 years of his life in a psychological stupor. In other words, he was crazy! Look at how he belittled the being made in God's own image by saying that some are superior to others. We know where this philosophy led: A Holocaust that killed 6 million precious lives! This goes against what God said in the Bible. And remember what happened to Hitler? He killed himself right before he was brought to justice. Look who loses in the end.

We are also called to care about our fellow man. It says in Proverbs 14:21 "The one who despises his neighbor sins, but whoever shows kindness to the poor will be happy". It also says in Matthew 5:42 "Give to the one who asks you, and don't turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you". As humans, we are so valuable to God that we are called to care about one another because God cares about us. Because we are His image bearers, we are to reflect His characteristics to one another.

There you have it. Humans are not purposeless organisms who just randomly showed up through mindless, random creation or an evolution form of monkeys (that's an insult when you think about it). We are all God's children and we are all equally loved by Him. So, the next time you feel like you are "great" enough to pick on someone you view as inferior, weak, dumb or whatnot, remember a big God is watching these actions and He's not gonna let you off the hook, unless you repent of course. :) Happy days all.

-Dutt Dutt

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